Vancouver First
United Methodist Church

What's Happening at VanFUMC?


Come, Let Us Adore Him

The Season of Advent is one of the highlights of the Christian Year. With this season, we launch another cycle of living into the story of Jesus and the church that emerges—of which we are a part. We sometimes think we need to find a new way of telling this story and do something fresh and unique. There is certainly space for that, but tradition and remembering the songs and stories from our beginnings can be a powerful invitation to grow as disciples as we grow closer to Christ. So, come, let us adore him.


We invite you to participate in giving Hats, Underwear, Gloves and/or Socks to the HUGS tree! New items only. -

Additionally, there are opportunities still available to grab a name and gift suggestion from the Giving Tree. All gifts must be returned to the church by December 15th, unwrapped, so the ministry team can wrap and deliver the gifts in time for Christmas.
Thank you for your kindness and giving this season.

autumn faith group - website 2024

Faith Groups & Book Studies

Please consider joining a faith/small group at First United Methodist Church. We offer a variety of ways to share in Christian fellowship with your brothers and sisters. From prayer to book study, hybrid to in-person, there are several ways to get together and share in building and celebrating faith together.

Give us a call at 360-693-5881 and we will connect you!

gaudete rejoice sunday

Music at First

For upcoming musical events with our community partners as well as music groups to join at the church, please check our music page.

Outreach umc

Local Outreach

Wondering how you can get involved in our local Vancouver/SW Washington community? We are working with FISH to collect pantry items. Keep an eye out for the blue bin in the lobby to add your non-perishables (no glass!). We also work with Washington Elementary both in providing food for those in need, and, in their "reading-buddy" program for 1st and 2nd graders.
Contact the office for more details: 360-693-5881

Blessings to you!

We are so very glad you decided to stop by and check us out. We welcome and affirm all people, regardless of race, age, handicap, or sexual orientation.

While we do meet in person, we continue to offer other ways to join in Christian fellowship, including online worship every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. on our YouTube Channel, where previous worship services and devotionals, as well as special music, are archived. Stay up to date with news on this website, on Facebook, and in your email.

Come to our services and meet new faces!

VanFUMC YouTube Channel
VanFUMC Facebook Page

Join Us Ash Wednesday at 6:30pm

We will be gathering for a short service for Ash Wednesday, March 2nd, at 6:30pm. During this time of reflection and the imposition of ashes, we will be enjoying Taize selections intertwining music, readings and prayer in an intimate, meditative setting.
This traditional service marks the beginning of the Lenten season. At the beginning of Lent, you may consider the spiritual discipline of “giving something up.” This sacrificial act is a reminder for us of the sacrificial love of God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can."
Visit Us

401 E 33rd St

Vancouver, WA 98663

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