Our youth are our future and a huge part of our church. We provide a safe place for our youth to come and go as they are, learn about God, grow and change, and do great things in our community to further that change. We welcome all young people to join our groups!
October Curriculum
We’re excited to align our lessons with our October Sunday Sermon series titled “Do Unto Others.” Focusing on the Golden Rule, we’ll teach the timeless truth that Jesus shared: we should treat others as we want to be treated. This powerful message has the potential to bring our community closer together.
Service Project
At the end of the month, we’ll have a special opportunity for the kids to live out their faith by serving the church in various ways. This hands-on experience will help them become humble servants, putting their lessons into action!
Young Disciples Ministry (5th grade & younger)
Sunday Mornings from 10am to 11am (Check-In at 9:45am)
Nursery Open
Sunday Mornings from 10am-11am (downstairs)
Youth Group (Middle/High School)
Sunday afternoon/evenings
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