Our Staff

We are here to help!

Rev. Bruce Smith

Senior Pastor

Pastor Bruce has been active in Pastoral Ministry for 25 years serving churches in Texas, the United Kingdom, and in the Pacific Northwest. He is a graduate of Washington State University and Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. As a leader in the United Methodist Church, Pastor Bruce has been the chairperson for the Camping Board of Stewards, served as an alternate delegate to the General Conference, served as the Chair of the Order of Elders, and is currently a member of the Board of Ordained Ministry. His goal in ministry is to build a community of grace for all people in our local and global community.

In addition to his passion for the United Methodist Church, he is an avid fan of the Seattle Mariners, the amazing band U2 and enjoys jogging in our beautiful community.

Contact at pastorbruce@vanfumc.org

Tabby Markley

Office Administrator

Contact at office@vanfumc.org

Michelle Westlund


Martin Ellis

Director of Music Programs

Contact at music@vanfumc.org

Amber Tripp

Director of Vocals/Handbells

Contact at music@vanfumc.org

Teuila Kaumatule-Muli

Director of Young disciples

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401 E 33rd St

Vancouver, WA 98663

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(360) 693-5881


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