
Weekly Church Meetings & Events


Join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10am, either in our Sanctuary or via our live-stream on YouTube. For those with infants and small children, we provide childcare during service in our nursery area downstairs. Please remember to check in and check out your child(ren)!

Knitting Group

Mondays at 10AM in the Conrad Room

Enjoy camaraderie while knitting your next favorite piece or just learning from the group.  All knitting levels welcome!

faith groups

Mondays from 6:30 to 8PM in the Conrad Room with Tom Musser

Tuesday from 10 to 11:30AM in the Conrad Room with Larry Irish

In Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws, pastor and bestselling author Adam Hamilton explores the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus as told in the Gospel of Luke. Through Luke’s stories we find Jesus’ care and compassion for all as he welcomes sinners and outcasts. As we study Luke and see Jesus’ concern for those who were considered unimportant, we hear a hopeful and inspiring word for our lives today.

Card Care Group

First Tuesday of the month at 1:30PM in the Conrad Room with Ev Fisher

This group is open to everyone. We begin with a short time of sharing, prayer and then prepare birthday and anniversary cards for people in our congregation celebrating those events. Cards are also sent for other life events (get well, sympathy, etc.). This group is a great way to connect with others and develop relationships.
Contact Ev Fisher at 360-254-0679 or with questions.

Pastor's Book Corner

Tuesdays at 6:30PM in the Conrad Room with Rev. Bruce Smith (begins October 1st, 2024)

Jesus for President is a radical manifesto to awaken the Christian political imagination, reminding us that our ultimate hope lies not in partisan political options but in Jesus and the incarnation of the peculiar politic of the church as a people “set apart” from this world. In what can be termed lyrical theology, Jesus for President poetically weaves together words and images to sing (rather than dictate) its message. It is a collaboration of Shane Claiborne’s writing and stories, Chris Haw’s reflections and research, and Chico Fajardo-Heflin’s art and design. Drawing upon the work of biblical theologians, the lessons of church history, and the examples of modern-day saints and ordinary radicals, Jesus for President stirs the imagination of what the Church could look like if it placed its faith in Jesus instead of Caesar.

bridges: coffee & Conversation

Wednesdays from 9 to 11AM at Brewed Awakenings Coffeehouse (NE 63rd & Andresen)

When CLimate Change gets personal

First Wednesday of the month at 6:30PM in the Conrad Room, led by Tracy Rothwell (begins Oct 2nd)

This fall a new small group is starting at Vancouver FUMC! We will meet monthly for six months to focus on climate change and how we can affect it. We will base our learning on the short book Cathedral on Fire by Brooks Berndt and resources from UMC Creation Care Ministry. The book, Cathedral on Fire, focuses our attention on the unique and vitally needed gifts that churches can offer. It is a very short and hopeful book, which we will use as background while we learn together about the practical ways we can all impact climate change.

Copies of the book will be available for a $5 donation at the first meeting. If you have any questions please email Tracy Rothwell If you know in advance you are planning to come please let Tracy know so enough books can be ordered.

Youth & Children's ministry

Youth Group: Sundays 

Young Disciples Ministry: Sunday 10:00AM to 11AM (up to 5th grade),check-in at 9:45AM

Nursery: Sunday 10am to 11AM (ages 5 and under)


3rd Wednesday 10AM in the Conrad Room

For the most up-to-date information and information about United Women in Faith check out or Newsletter for Crest to Coast United Women In Faith

Upcoming Events:

Oct 18-19 | Spokane Valley UMC, Spokane, WA
Conference United Women in Faith Annual Meeting


Visit Us

401 E 33rd St

Vancouver, WA 98663

We'd Love to Chat With You

(360) 693-5881

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