
From the Staff …

Amidst the still of a lockdown, work continues behind the scenes of your church. Each day, the staff embodies the spirit of Vancouver First joining forces virtually to make sure we capture the holy spirit that flows through this congregation and deliver that to the masses online and wherever you may get your church news.
Our youth director Justin Nutting meets regularly with the young men and women of our church through the power of the Internet … of course, they are all up on the technology and are relishing in the time they can get together in Christian fellowship.
The congregational care team of Vancouver First have taken to the phones to continue their outreach to our most fragile souls for uplifting prayers and lending an ear of comfort.
Treasurer Michelle Mehl has kept our books, maintains our finances, and is there to pay the bills and keep our even keel.
In the wee hours of the morning, you can see Scott Hansen keeping our church building sanitized, as we continue to prepare our house of worship for when we gather again.
The staff of VanFUMC want to thank everyone joining us online, through our social media, and for all those that continue in mission with the church through your time, your prayers and your contributions. And we hope to see you soon!