
Pastoral letter March 16th

Hello friends, a few of us were able to gather (Monday, March 16th) and talk over some of our responses this week with the COVID-19 restrictions. We will be working to prepare personal worship opportunities and online options for our congregation.

Congregational care is being organized so that we do our best to connect with one another as well as we can with phone calls. A pastoral letter will follow with ideas of how to connect to the ministry of the church while we move forward with appropriate social care giving.

The Little Acorn preschool is following the local school district’s schedule and will be closed until April 24th. If you have questions or concerns, please do let me know. If a creative, safe opportunity to reach our neighbors comes to mind, please share that too. Peace be with you,

Rev. Bruce Smith, Senior Pastor, Vancouver First United Methodist Church (509) 833-6901